Sunday, October 02, 2005

P2P software are safe guarding themselves

Was trying to download Limewire and I got to see this interesting "cover-backside" statement ..

A great deal of copyrighted material is available on file sharing networks.

Please be aware that many files are not legal to share or
download. Please do not download LimeWire software if you intend to use
it for illegal purposes.
It's like putting up a sign in Geylang saying ::

There are a hell lot of illegal whores in Geylang .. ie they do not meet the stringent ISO 9001 standards of their industry.

They may be prettier, hornier, and bustier! BUT .. still they are illegal and do not pay taxes to the Government who has legalised and sanitised the prostitutes in all brothels that bear the Singapore Service Class Logo.

The goverment cannot guarantee the cleaniless of unauthorised brothels and if your purpose of visiting Geylang is to patronise those, I think you are not welcomed .. .. nonetheless .. you may visit the Beef Hor-Fun Stall opposite .. look out for the one with the "Uniquely Singapore" Logo for authenticity ..